Superfluid vacuum theory pdf merge

If spacetime were a superfluid, would it unify physicsor is the theory all wet. Preface this course is about the theory of lowenergy and highenergy, nonrelativistic and relativistic, bosonic and fermionic. Novel features of helium3 superfluidity discovered with. A set of cfd simulations see other data in the annex has been performed and has con rmed that the situation shown in g.

It is now well understood that the universe and its symmetrybroken ground state, the physical vacuum, may behave like a condensed matter system with a complicated and possibly degenerate ground state 15. Gravity as a fluid dynamic phenomenon in a superfluid. Carroll, lecture notes on general relativity, pdfgr. Quantum space theory is a specific version of svt, which comes with a particularly compelling and intuitively accessible model, but it still falls within the umbrella of svt so it still is relatively unknown. Links between gravity and dynamics of quantum liquids. In this way, we are no longer considering superfluidity merely as a. Thinking of space and time as a liquid might help reconcile quantum mechanics and relativity. Liquid helium4 below a transition temperature depending on pressure is an example of a superfluid. The superfluid quantum vacuum model is replacing spacetime as the fundamental arena of the universe 1,2,3. Introduction in the present, the superfluid quantum vacuum model is considered the fundamental scenario of the universe 1,2,3. The standard model of particle physics 7 introduces the higgs field. Of course, the aether has been ruled out by albert einsteins discovery of the special theory of relativity. Dark energy and dark matter in a superfluid universe1. Insulator the vacuum at large repulsion between bosons thursday, january 30, 14.

The idea is that the vacuum is filled with a complex scalar field, such as the. Volovik zelenogorsk, july 12, 2010 landau institute 1. Lorenzo in campo pu, italy foundations of physics institute, idrija. Emery and kivelson pointed out that the transition temperature in a wide array of the hightemperature superconductors can be estimated from the zerotemperature superfluid density in a model of classical fluctuations. More speculations on superfluid vacuum physics and theology. The theory of relativity and compressibility ether abstract.

In a modern viewpoint the relativistic quantum field theory is an effective theory 2. In the preformedpair model, the t line is expected to merge with the. Its physical basis and limitations do not be explained by the theory of relativity itself, so that it seems that is an existence without matter. The broader theory began almost a century ago as a revival of the luminiferous aether. In sharp contrast, the constancy of the speed of light has remain sacred, and the term \heresy is occasionally used in relation to \varying speed of light theories 12. Midatlantic senior physicists group superfluid atom. Loss of vacuum experiments on a superfluid helium vessel. Superfluid quantum vacuum model, massenergy equivalence. The lambda point is the temperature below which normal fluid helium helium i transitions to. This is in agreement with the relativistic effect of mass increase, which. The same happens radially for a celestial bodys gravitational field.

Its motion is described by the navierstokes equation having two slightly modified terms that relate to internal forces. In general, mass generation may be built into a theory of vacuum superfluidity as a consequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking as a consequence of the formation of quantized vortices. Superfluid vacuum carrying real einsteinde broglie waves. However i feel this is about to change with what i have been studying about superfluid vacuum theory recently. A very slippery superfluid, thats what spacetime could be like. Lorenzo in campo pu, italy corresponding author, email. Strongly interacting cold atoms harvard university. Massenergy equivalence extension onto a superfluid.

A large number of applications of the logarithmic fluids can be also found in a theory of physical vacuum which becomes a useful tool for explaining a phenomenon of gravity. Technically speaking this fluid should have infinite density but non existent viscositywe dont want our universe to be opaque. Mind in the superfluid vacuum can achieve godlike superintelligence soon after emerging. Arizona chad weiler tyler neely carlo samson david scherer bpa theory simulations univ. At high energy of the planck scale these modes merge with the continuum of the all high. Superfluid vacuum theory svt, sometimes known as the bec vacuum theory, is an approach in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics where the fundamental physical vacuum nonremovable background is viewed as superfluid or as a boseeinstein condensate bec. Landaukhalatnikov twofluid hydrodynamics as effective theory of gravity. When the space or vacuum for the path of one beam is polarized by the scalar field generated by charged objects, superconductor disks, andor superfluid toruses, the interference pattern will be varied or shifted. Superfluid article about superfluid by the free dictionary. Relativistic mass increase would be actually the effect of the apparent viscosity drag weight of quantum vacuum superfluid quantum space, due to quantized, superfluid dark energy. A superfluid is a fluid flowing with no resistance. Using the logarithmic superfluid model, one can formulate an essentially.

Novel features of helium3 superfluidity discovered with new squid detector chip 22 may 20, by john hewitt phase diagram of helium 3. If it is true that spacetime is a superfluid and that photons of different energies travel at different speeds or dissipate over time, that means relativity does not hold in all situations. In the simplest superfluid the coherent motion of the superfluid vacuum is. If you are not familiar with it then this youtube video summarises some aspects and is one interpretation among many. Introduction in this article a classification of phenomena of parapsychology from the point of view of physics is given. Quantum vacuum energy density and unifying perspectives between gravity and quantum behaviour of matter davide fiscalettia, amrit sorlib aspacelife institute, s. What are the lessons for particle physics, gravity, and. This paper describes the design of the test facility and the results of experiments to determine the heat flux to the superfluid. To answer your questions 1 the scientific community at large has never heard of bohmian mechanics, or superfluid vacuum theory. An assumption of the postulates of both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity gtr has not allowed one to get a non. But this is where major problem arises,the macroscopic structure of this vacuum is unknown because it is beyond the. Superfluid vacuum theory svt, sometimes known as the bec vacuum theory, is an approach. Volume 114a, numbe 6 physics letters 3 march 1986 superfluid vacuum carrying real einsteinde broglie waves k. Dark energy and dark matter in a superfluid universe abstract arxiv.

Therefore, we treat the superfluid as the quantum vacuum aether medium as proposed by winterberg 2002a, 2002b. The superfluid vacuum state, time varying cosmological constant, and nonsingular cosmological models article pdf available in foundations of physics 66. The same phenomenon occurs in the condensed matter systems. Superfluid vacuum theory svt is an approach in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics where the physical vacuum is viewed as superfluid. Gev, the chiral fermions acquire masses and become the dirac fermions of. Superfluid vacuum bcs bec universal theory of gapless bosons and fermions, with decay of boson into 2 fermions relevant for d superfluid phases of 3 he, the condensed matter with the outmost broken symmetry, which combine in a surprising way the properties of ordered magnets, liquid crystals and superfluids. It follows that mind can emerge in a substrate consisting of nothing but the bare fabric of spacetime, the superfluid vacuum itself.

Superfluid vacuum model, massenergy equivalence, inertia, gravity, vacuum fluctuations 1. Wikipedia correctly introduces the superfluid vacuum theory as one that may be a fringe theory. Sheldon and leonard coauthor a paper on superfluid vacuum. The global effect of such a superfluid vacuum we sought to describe through the einstein field equations by retaining the cosmological term agav and identifying as the energy momentum tensor tuvvac of this vacuum. The ultimate goal of the approach is to develop scientific models that unify quantum mechanics describing three. How is thad roberts quantum space theory viewed in the. If no, how does a superfluid differ from a substance. If the analogy of the quantum mechanical physical vacuum with condensed. It is worth noting that if the vacuum is a superfluid, then these kinds of metric distortions may be responsible for the generation of mass particles. If spacetime were a superfluid, would it unify physicsor. The aether in its ground state is identified with the above superfluid comprising a sea of such pairs. Superfluidity, differential geometry topology, synthetic gauge fields, quantum gravity, superfluid vacuum theory. Momentum exchange between superfluid vacuum and quasiparticles. The complicated vacuum state of these phases with a large number of fermionic and bosonic quasiparticles and.

It follows that any object moving through it would be incapable. Leonard hofstadter and sheldon cooper dont provide details of their superfluid vacuum theory, so i am taking some liberties here. In a superfluid universe 2016 the late kerson huang suggests that the higgs field of particle theory, andor. Dark energy and dark matter in a superfluid universe1 kerson huang massachusetts institute of technology, cambridge, ma, usa 029 and institute of advanced studies, nanyang technological university, singapore 639673 abstract the vacuum is filled with complex scalar fields, such as the higgs field. Fully gapped topological media semimetals, cuprate superconductors, graphene, superfluid 3hea, vacuum of standard model of particle physics in massless phase. Let me help clear things up for those that havent read einsteins intuition. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. One of the main tenets of relativity, the lorentz invariance. Vigier c indian institute of sciences, bangalore, india b matscience, madras, india institute henri poincarb, 11, rue pierre et marie curie, paris, france received 6 december 1985. If the analogy of the quantum mechanical physical vacuum with condensed matter systems is taken seriously, the first.

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